Activate email notifications

You can activate the email notifications from BillPro

You can use BillPro's email notifications with payment links to collect payments and update cards, and you can also use email notifications to inform and remind your customers about their payments.

  • BillPro has a complete set of email notifications that help you comply with card-scheme standards.
  • The emails contain your company details and logo, as configured for your merchant in BillPro. See Company information at Get set up in BillPro
  • For example emails, see Notifications.

BillPro sends email notifications automatically based on events and actions in the platform. For example, when you store a card for a new recurring payment order, BillPro automatically sends the Mandate agreement. The automatic emails and their triggers are described in the Email notifications table below.

Automatic email notifications are inactive by default, and you can activate them as described below. You cannot deactivate manual email notifications.

Emails by payment type

The following table displays the emails for each payment type. You can activate the emails that apply to your payment types.

Email NotificationSingle PaymentInstalmentSubscriptionMetered
Order is Ready
Order Reminder
Purchase Confirmation
Refund Confirmation
Card Expired
Card Expiring
Card Details Update
Mandate Agreement
Payment Rescheduled
Payment Skipped
Payment Merged
Scheduled Payment Approved
Scheduled Payment Declined
Scheduled Payment Rejected
Subscription Renew Soon
Subscription Paused
Subscription Resumed

Email notifications table

The following table describes when and how BillPro sends email notifications.

Order is ReadyWhen you send a payment link by email🟢✔️
Order ReminderTo remind a customer after a payment link was sent🟢🔵 ⭐✔️
Purchase ConfirmationAfter an initial payment or card registration (by virtual terminal or payment link)🔵
Refund ConfirmationAfter you make a refund🔵✔️
Card ExpiredWhen a card in an order has expired🔵✔️
Card ExpiringAbout 6 weeks before a card in an order expires🔵✔️
Card Details UpdateWhen you request a card update🟢✔️
Mandate AgreementAfter initial payment or card registration for an order with recurring payments (by virtual terminal or payment link)🔵
Payment RescheduledWhen you reschedule a billing event🔵
Payment SkippedWhen you skip a billing event🔵
Payment MergedWhen you merge billing events🔵
Scheduled Payment ApprovedAfter payment of a billing event was approved🔵
Scheduled Payment DeclinedAfter payment of a billing event was hard declined🔵✔️
Scheduled Payment RejectedAfter payment of a billing event was soft declined🔵✔️
Subscription Renew SoonBefore each payment of a subscription order🔵✔️
Subscription PausedWhen you pause a subscription🔵
Subscription ResumedWhen you resume a subscription manually or it resumes automatically as scheduled🔵

⭐ = For details of order reminder intervals, see Other email notification configuration below

BillPro never sends the Order Ready or the Update Cards emails automatically, so deactivating these email notifications has no effect.

Manual email notifications

Users can always send email notifications manually by clicking a button or selecting an option to do the following.

  • Send a payment link by email: BillPro sends the Order Ready email.
  • Send a payment link reminder by email: BillPro sends the Order Reminder email.
  • Send a request to update cards: BillPro sends the Update cards email.

Users can always send a payment link by SMS or display the link and QR code.


Disable payment links

To prevent users from creating and sending payment links (so BillPro will not display the buttons), deactivate the Payment Link option in the user's account configuration. See Manage users

When you don't need email notifications

Depending on how you will use BillPro, you may decide to deactivate some or all of the automatic email notifications for your merchant. For example:

  • If you send your own emails from another system.
  • If your business takes phone orders only and you do not have customer email addresses.
  • If your business does not offer a specific payment type, such as subscriptions, you can deactivate the emails for this payment type. See Emails by payment type below

Activate email notifications

To activate email notifications, do these steps.

  1. On the navigation bar, go to the user Account icon in the top right corner.

  2. From the Account menu, select Email notifications.

    From the account menu, select email notifications

    From the account menu, select email notifications

  3. To confirm the contents of each email notification, click Preview. If this button does not display, try making your browser window wider or zooming out.

  4. For each notification to activate, beside the notification name, set the Activate/Deactivate toggle to on.

    Preview and deactivate an email notification

    Preview and deactivate an email notification

  5. To save, click the disk icon in the top right corner of the page.

Other email notification configuration

You can also change the following email notification configuration by contacting BillPro Customer Service.

  • By default, if the Order Reminder email is activated, BillPro sends Order Reminder emails automatically on days 1, 3 and 7 after you send a payment link by email. See Payment reminders at Get set up in BillPro.
  • If you are processing phone payments, and you do not have the customer's email address, you can deactivate the Purchase Confirmation email for phone payments only. See Get set up in BillPro - Limit email notifications.

When you create an order with the BillPro API, BillPro puts the order in a Pending state, but it does not send an Order Ready email automatically. Your integration can send a mail to the customer, or your sales agents can process a phone payment.

Recommended reading

Review the email notifications and continue with your merchant configuration