Create an order

Create an order for selling a basic product

Welcome to BillPro! Learn how to create your first order. BillPro has three main elements: products, customers, and orders. To create your first order, first create a basic product. Then create an order and enter the details of a customer, select the basic product, and enter pricing and payment details.

Create a basic product

To create a basic product, do these steps.

  1. On the navigation bar, click (+) and select Add Product. The New Product section opens.

  2. Enter a Product Name. You can name this product whatever you like!

  3. Press Enter or click Save.

  4. From the Product Page, make a note of the Product ID. You can use this identifier to search for your product.

A product with just a product name is the most simple product you can create in BillPro.

The product is a single payment product with a price of 0 in your merchant's base currency, and the product pricing is unlocked.


Basic products

You can use basic products when your sales team will configure the pricing in the order, or when you will add pricing using an API integration.

Create a customer as part of an order

To create a customer as part of an order, do these steps

  1. On the navigation bar, click (+) and select Add Order. The New Order section opens.

  2. To add a new customer, for the Customer, click (+). The New Customer pop-up opens.

  3. Enter the customer's details

    1. First name and Last name.
    2. Email to send payment links and notifications
    3. (Optional) Phone to send SMS payment links with the Country code first.
    4. (Optional) Billing Address with the Street name and number, Postal Code, City, and State. And the Country selection.
  4. To save the customer, click Submit.

    Create an order and a customer

    Create an order and a customer

Complete the order with product and pricing

To complete the order with the product and pricing, do these steps.

  1. In the New Order section, for Products, select the product you created earlier.

  2. For the Qty, enter the number of units to sell to the customer.

  3. For the Amount, enter the full price of the purchase.

  4. (Optional) Select Save Card Details to store the card. BillPro does not store the sensitive card data.

  5. Click Create Order.

  6. In the Order Summary, check the order details. To make changes to the order details, click Edit.

    Add the product and pricing to your order

    Add the product and pricing to your order

Process a payment for the order

  1. To enter a card payment by phone

    1. Enter the Card Registration details
    2. If you are saving a card for future payments, select 3DS Verified
    3. Click Pay Now.
  2. Or, to send a request for a payment with a link, click the corresponding button.

    • Email Payment Link
    • SMS Payment Link
    • Display URL and QR Code for payments in person and through other channels, such as digital messaging.
  3. Or, to accept a payment later, click Save As Draft.

The order now displays in the Orders list. Depending on the customer's payment, orders have different status in BillPro.

New single payment orders in the Orders list

New single payment orders in the Orders list

The following table describes the order status symbols for single payment orders. For more details, see Order status.

SymbolOrder statusDescription
DraftAfter you create the order, it is in a draft state, or you saved the order as a draft
PendingYou sent a payment request with a link, but the customer has not paid or registered a card yet
CompleteYou accepted a payment by phone, or the customer paid using the link, and the full amount was paid
RejectedThe customer's payment by phone was declined
CancelledYou cancelled the order

Now that you have created your first order for a single payment product, you can explore creating products and orders with subscription, instalment, or metered payment types.

Recommended reading

Optionally, learn how to split payments to create an instalment order or how to create a subscription order. Then learn the basics about managing billing events.