Update a card and collect payments

Learn to replace a card in an order.

Sometimes you will need to replace a card in an order. This may be because the card is expiring, or the card details have changed, or because a transaction failed with a hard decline, meaning that you cannot retry the payment. In this case, the order will have a Suspended or Failed status.


Automatic collection

When you update a card, BillPro will merge all declined and overdue payments and charge them.

Before you begin:

  1. You will need an order where a card is expiring or a transaction was hard-declined with a Suspended status.


  1. In the navigation bar, select Orders to open the Orders list. You can filter the list to display a specific order. For example, we filtered by text in the customer name with a value of Jane Smith.
  2. Find an order with a Failed status where all the retry attempts have been consumed, or a Suspended status.
  3. Click on the CUSTOMER name or the order ID to open the Order Summary.
  4. Go to the gear options button, and from the menu, select Cards.
  5. From the Card Registration pop-up, you can send the customer an email for them to update their cards, or enter a card in the virtual terminal over the phone, or select a card that the customer already registered.

You can also call a customer and ask them to update their card using a link in an email notification that was already sent by BillPro.

After you update the card, check that the card is updated in the order and that the payment was successfully collected.

Update cards

Update cards

If your customer wants to add another card and they are not yet ready to use it in an order, you can add it to the customer account, and then select it for an order. See Manage customer cards.

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