Card expiring and expired and update

Customers can update their cards using links in these notifications

Card expired

BillPro sends this email automatically when the customer's card in an order has expired. The customer can update their card by clicking on the Update Card button, which opens a secure checkout for card registration.

Example of the card expired email

Example of the card expired email

Card expiring

For subscription and instalment orders, BillPro sends this email automatically on the 15th day of the month before the card expiry month, which would usually be about 6 weeks before the card expires. The customer can update their card by clicking on the Update Card button, which opens a secure checkout for card registration.

Example of the card expiring email

An example of the card expiring email

Card details update

This email is sent to a customer when you manually request that they update a card. See Update cards. The customer can update their card by clicking on the Update Card button, which opens a secure checkout for card registration.

To send this email to a customer from an Order Summary, select Cards and then click Request Card Update.

Example of the card details update email

Example of the card details update email

Recommended reading

Find out about more email notifications and about how to ask customers to update cards