Display orders

Search, filter, and list orders

The main Orders list gives you a lot of information about orders, and you can click through to the Order Summary to display the full details of each order and manage the order and its payments.

Display the orders list

To display the Orders list, use one of the following methods.

  1. On the navigation bar, go to Orders.
  2. From a Customer Account, from a card in the Wallet or Deactivated Cards section, select Show Related Orders.
The Orders list displays order details including the status and amount of the order

The Orders list displays order details including the status and amount of the order

The symbols on the left-hand side of the list represent the order status. You can mouse over the symbols to display the status name.

Summary table of order status

The following table summarises the order status for each symbol. For a full description, see Order status.

Status typeSymbolOrder StatusDescription
PreliminaryDraftA new order with no payment or card registration by phone or requested by link.
PreliminaryRejectedAn initial payment or card registration by phone was declined.
PreliminaryPendingAn initial payment or card registration was requested using a payment link, but no payment or card registration was approved yet.
CancelledAn order with a preliminary status (with a status of Draft, Pending, or Rejected) was cancelled.
LivePausedA subscription that was paused to stop collecting payments until it is manually or automatically reactivated (resumed).
LiveActiveAn order with recurring payments (instalment, subscription, or metered) that had an approved initial payment or card registration and the most recent transaction was approved.
LiveFailedThe most recent billing event had a soft-decline. You can retry soft-declined billing events manually or automatically up to 15 times in the following 30 days. BillPro continues to try to collect billing events
LiveReviewAn instalment order has a review status if the customer has paid more than the total order value. BillPro continues to try to collect billing events.
LiveSuspendedAn order with a billing event that failed with a hard-decline has a suspended status until the customer updates their card details. BillPro does not continue to try to collect billing events.
CompleteThe full amount of the order has been paid. You can also mark a live order as complete to stop collecting billing events.

Order payment details

The following elements display for the order payment details.

CREATEDUTC time when the order was created.
IDThe BillPro system unique ID for the order. Click on the ID to view the Order Summary.
ORDER IDThe merchant order ID. Entered by the user or automatically created by BillPro when you create an order.
CUSTOMERThe name of the customer associated with the order. Click on the name to view the Order Summary.
ORDER TYPEThe payment type of the order. This may differ from the payment type of the product, if the product payment configuration is not locked, because you can use the option to split payments to create instalments or collect a single payment instead of instalments.
ORDER VALUEThe amount of the order. For a single payment or instalment product, this is the full amount of the order. For a subscription, this is the amount of the periodic payment. For a pay-per-use order, this is the initial amount.
COUNTThe number of payments collected successfully and the total number of payments that the customer will make. For a subscription or pay-per-use order, the two hyphens (--) after the slash (/) represent an unknown total number of payments because the order is active until cancelled.
AMT PAIDThe total amount of the payments processed successfully.

Filter the orders list

To filter the Orders list, do these steps.

  1. For Filters, enter any of the fields from the tables below, and click Apply.
  2. The Orders list displays the matching order records.

To remove the filter and display all orders again, in Filters, click Clear.

Table filters for the orders list

Filter fieldDescription
ZUIDAn order number to search for
Search boxEnter text to search for in the CUSTOMER name
AgentSelect from the names of the agents in your organisation
StatusSelect from the order status of Draft, Rejected, Failed, Active,
Review, Cancelled, Complete, Pending, Paused, or Suspended.
For a full description of the order statuses, see Order status .
TypeSelect from Single payment, Instalment, Subscription, and Pay-Per-Use
DateSelect a date or period from the calendar selector

Example of the filter on the orders list

The following filter displays the Active orders with an order type of Subscription where the customers have the text Jo in their name.

You can filter the orders list and search for specific orders

You can filter the orders list and search for specific orders


Orders in BillPro

You can also display details of orders in the following BillPro sections.

Recommended reading

Display the full details of an order on the Order Summary.