Refund payments

Return the full or partial amount paid to the customer

You can give partial and full refunds in BillPro, including multiple partial refunds.


Double-check refunds

Always double-check refunds because after you make a refund, you cannot change it

Refunds settle the same way payments settle, so they may take some time to display on the customer's card statement. You must refund to the same card that originally made the payment. If the customer has made multiple payments, you must refund each payment separately.


Full refunds

To resolve issues of customer satisfaction, issue full refunds. This is because you may need to resolve a dispute because the customer also asked for a chargeback as well as a refund. It will be faster and easier to resolve a dispute with a full refund and a chargeback because they have the same amounts. This is compared with a partial refund and a chargeback, which have different amounts.

To refund payments, do these steps.

  1. Open the Order Summary and scroll down to the Related Transactions section.

  2. Next to a payment to refund, click the round arrow Refund button.

    Click the round arrow refund button

    Click the round-arrow refund button

  3. Enter the Amount to refund. Double-check the amount because you cannot change it after you refund it. Click Refund Now. BillPro processes the refund of the amount to the customer's card. You can click the Refund button again until the full payment amount is refunded.

    Enter the amount to refund

    Enter the amount to refund

  4. Repeat for any other payments to refund. You can refund up to the full amount paid for the order.

  5. To cancel the order and immediately stop collecting any more recurring payments, go to the order actions toggle menu button and select Mark as Complete.


Failed refunds

A refund usually fails because it was blocked by the issuing bank, or the card was blocked, or a fraud alert was triggered, or the card was updated.

If a refund fails you can do the following.

  • Advise your customer to contact their bank for more information
  • Make a manual refund by bank transfer.

BillPro displays the refunded payments with the TYPE of RF.

Refunded payments where the TYPE is RF

Refunded payments where the TYPE is RF

BillPro displays the details of refunds in the order details panel and in the Order log.


Refunds outside BillPro

If you collect a payment in BillPro and you need to make a refund, do this in BillPro.

If you make a refund outside BillPro, it will display in the Order Summary in Related Transactions, but it will not appear in the Order Log.

The details of refunds display in the order summary

The details of refunds display in the order summary

Refunds also display in the All Processed transactions view.

Recommended reading

Check all processed payments and mark an order as complete to cancel it