Customers report

Report on customers

The Customers report provides information about your customers and their purchasing activity.

You can filter the Customers report to display groups of customers using these filters.

  • Customer Status, which can be active or dormant (inactive).
  • ID, Name, Email, which can be text to search and filter these customer fields.

The Customers report contains the following fields.

NameThe customer's first name and last name
Customer IDIdentifier for the customer that was entered by the user or automatically generated
Customer TagsTags entered or selected by the user to group or categorise the customer
BirthdayDate of birth of the customer in the format YYYY-MM-DD
EmailEmail of the customer for sending payment requests and notifications
PhonePhone number of the customer with its country code
StatusStatus of the customer, which can be active or dormant(inactive)
Active Orders AmountThe total amount paid on orders that have the Active status, because an initial payment or card registration was approved and the most recent billing event was approved
Active Order CountThe total number of orders with recurring payments that have the Active status, because an initial payment or card registration was approved and the most recent billing event was approved
Draft Orders CountThe number of orders that have the Draft status, when no payment has been made or requested
Cancelled Orders CountThe number of orders that have the Cancelled status, because a user cancelled a draft, pending, or rejected order
Completed Orders CountThe number of orders that have the Completed status, because they were fully paid (for single payment or instalment purchase types) or marked as completed (for subscription, metered, and instalment purchase types)
Failed Orders CountThe number of orders that have the Failed status, because the most recent billing event was soft-declined
Rejected Orders CountThe number of have the Rejected status, because the initial payment or card registration via the virtual terminal was declined
Paused Orders CountThe number of subscription orders that have the Paused status
Pending Orders CountThe number of orders that are Pending, because an initial online payment or card registration was requested but not yet made
Suspended Orders CountThe number of orders that have a Suspended status because a billing event was hard-declined; or for subscription orders when auto-suspend is activated, after all auto-retries were consumed
Review Orders CountThe number of instalment orders that have a Review status, because the amount collected was more than the order value

For more details, see Order status.

You can download the report as a CSV file, and the file name has the format 000_Customers_MerchantName_DDMMYYYY.csv.

To create and download this report, see the instructions at Create and download reports.