Live orders

Manage orders after a successful payment or card activation

The actions that you can take on an order depend on the status and type of the order.

When orders with Preliminary statuses have an approved initial payment or card registration they get an Active status, which is one of the Live statuses.

The Live order statuses are described in the following table. For a full definition of each order status, see Order status.

SymbolOrder StatusDescription
PausedA subscription that was paused to stop collecting payments until it is manually or automatically reactivated (resumed)
ActiveAn order with recurring payments (instalment, subscription, or metered) that had an approved initial payment or card registration, and the most recent transaction was approved
FailedThe most recent billing event had a soft decline. You can retry soft-declined billing events manually or automatically up to 15 times in the following 30 days.
ReviewAn instalment order where the customer has paid more than the order value.
SuspendedAn order with a billing event that failed with a hard decline has a suspended status until the customer updates their card details.

When instalment orders are fully paid, they become Complete. To cancel any kind of live order, you can mark the order as Complete.

You can manage Failed and Suspended orders to submit a payment or update cards. And you can refund payments for Review orders (and all other orders).

The following diagram shows the status flow for Live order statuses.

Status flow for live orders

Status flow for live orders