Manage scheduled payments

Manage billing events to change the payment schedule

In BillPro, each scheduled payment for a recurring payment order has a billing event. A billing event includes all the actions to collect or cancel a recurring payment. Learn how to manage billing events for scheduled payments.

For this tutorial, you will need an active instalment or subscription order. You can create one of these with the previous tutorials, to Split payments on an order for instalments, and Create a subscription.

  • For an instalment order, you can reschedule a billing event, and skip a billing event, and you can merge some billing events.
  • For a subscription order, you can reschedule a billing event, and skip a billing event, but you will not usually merge billing events.

Reschedule a billing event

To reschedule a billing event so that you can change the date and the amount to pay, do these steps.

  1. In the navigation bar, go to Orders and open the Orders list.
  2. You can search for your order by the customer name or the order ID. To open the Order Summary for your order, click on the order ID or the CUSTOMER.
  3. In the Order Summary go to the top right of the page and from the gear button actions menu, go to Payments. The Scheduled Payments pop-up opens.
  4. Look for a billing event that has a status of scheduled (calendar icon) or soft-declined (red ⚠️ warning icon).
  5. Select the billing event, and click Reschedule.
  6. The billing events are scheduled for UTC time. But for the Date, BillPro loads the current date and local time. Select the new date and date time to collect the billing event. Convert your local time to UTC time. You can do this with a conversion tool.
  7. (Optional) Change the Amount.
  8. Click Submit.
  9. Confirm the change.

BillPro reschedules the billing event and displays it with the new amount and date in the Scheduled Payments list. The billing event has a status of scheduled.

Skip a billing event

To cancel a payment, you can skip a billing event. If you skip the billing event, you cannot collect it.

To skip a billing event, do these steps.

  1. In the navigation bar, go to Orders and open the Orders list.
  2. You can search for your order by the customer name or the order ID. To open the Order Summary for your order, click on the order ID or the CUSTOMER.
  3. In the Order Summary go to the top right of the page and from the gear button actions menu, go to Payments. The Scheduled Payments pop-up opens.
  4. Look for a billing event that has a status of scheduled (calendar icon) or soft-declined or hard-declined (red icons).
  5. In the Scheduled Payments pop-up, select the scheduled or declined billing event.
  6. Click Skip to cancel this billing event.
  7. Confirm that you wish to cancel the billing event. You cannot collect the skipped payment.

The skipped billing event displays with the fast foward ⏩ skipped symbol in the Scheduled Payments list. BillPro removes the amount of this billing event from the order balance for an instalment order.

Merge billing events

Instalment and metered orders can have multiple billing events. So you may wish to create a single payment from multiple payments. To merge and optionally change multiple billing events for an order, do these steps.

  1. In the Scheduled Payments pop-up, select multiple billing events with a status of scheduled or soft-declined billing events.
  2. Click Merge.
  3. The billing events are scheduled for UTC time. But for the Date, BillPro loads the current date and local time. Select the new date and date time to collect the billing event. Convert your local time to UTC time. You can do this with a conversion tool.
  4. (Optional) For the Amount, BillPro displays the total of the merged billing events. You can change the Amount.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Confirm the change.

In the Scheduled Payments list, BillPro displays the merged billing events with the joint merged symbol . And BillPro creates a new scheduled billing event for the new amount.

Recommended reading

Learn more about managing billing events when scheduled payments are declined and learn about how to make a refund.